Every time you see Louise, you can expect a massage that is as individual as you are. As with regular massage, an initial consultation is essential prior to your massage. 

Complications or certain conditions may restrict or prohibit treatment, therefore a full medical history will be taken. 

This also allows time to discuss any specific discomforts you may be experiencing.
(Please note that all information is kept confidential at all times) 

During the consultation, Louise will discuss your needs and will plan a massage which is personal and unique to you.
There are a number of comfortable positions in which to receive pregnancy massage, the most popular being Louise's Bump Bag, which allows ladies with a bump to lie on their front. This means the back is able to rest in a flat position, with the bump securely supported in the hollow of the special massage bed.

This allows for a more symmetrical back massage and is extremely comfortable, supporting the bump so much that pregnant ladies claim they no longer feel pregnant!

If you are not comfortable lying on your front, there is an option of lying on your side. This is still extremely comfortable as the bump bag supports the entire body including your bump.Only safe oils, such as grapeseed oil will be used throughout treatment.
Yes. Massage is safe throughout the entire pregnancy. Louise Oliver has undergone specialised training allowing her to massage throughout the three trimesters. 

However, if there is a history of miscarriage or there has been any spotting, she recommends that massage is avoided until the second trimester. **Pregnancy massage is not a replacement for antenatal care**
It is generally safe to begin massage therapy immediately after a normal delivery. Louise encourages women to resume their massage routine as quickly as possible, although abdominal massage will not be performed until after the six week check.

Postnatal massage can help to restore the body to its pre-pregnancy state, helping to tone overstretched areas of skin, reducing excess fluid and swellings and increasing circulation – thereby speeding up the healing process.

Louise will offer home visits during the postnatal period, and encourages new mums to be massaged with their babies close by to help calm and soothe both mother and baby.

See Treatments page for details and price of each treatment.
T: 07794 001631
E: hello@lopm.co.uk
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